S. Mark Tyler
Board President; Public Member
S. Mark Tyler is founder and chairman of OEM Fabricators, Inc., a growing contract manufacturer in Western Wisconsin. OEM’s Team Members earned Wisconsin’s Manufacturer of the Year Award, Medium Category, in 2006. OEM repeated in 2012 earning the Wisconsin Manufacturer of the Year Award for Workforce Development, the first company to receive this honor.
Mark is also the the interim director for the Family Resource Center St. Croix Valley.
Mark has been a lifelong advocate of technical education and began his career with a Design Technology Degree from St. Paul Technical Vocational Institute in Minnesota. He served as a National Officer for VICA (now SkillsUSA) and served on Minnesota’s Vocational Teacher Certification Standards Committee. In 2005, he completed the Minnesota Executive Program through the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. In 2011, he received his MBA from the University of St. Thomas. Mark is also the founder of Family Friendly Workplaces, Inc. a Wisconsin nonprofit that works to certify employers for their family supporting benefits and policies.
In addition to serving on the WTCS Board, Mark serves, or has served, on a number of other boards and councils including:
University of Wisconsin Board of Regents
Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce
Governor’s Council on Workforce Investment (chair)
The Wisconsin Technology Council
The Governor’s Early Childhood Advisory Council
The Family Resource Center, St. Croix Valley
UW Stout Discovery Center
Engineered Propulsion Systems, Inc.
In 2013, Mark was awarded the 2013 Association for Career and Technical Education, Region 3 Award of Excellence; Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators, Award for Special Service to Wisconsin; in 2012, the Business Friend of Education, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction; previously he received the C.L. Greiber Award from the Wisconsin Association of Career and Technical Education, and the Technical Education Champion Award from the Wisconsin Technical College District Boards Association.
He is a member of SkillsUSA, Association of Equipment Manufacturers, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, the Horseless Carriage Club and the American Shetland Pony Club.
Mark’s wife Jackie is a pony breeder and together they operate Emerald Glenn Farm which breeds and trains American Shetland and Welsh Ponies. The farm also produces grain and forage crops.
Term Expires May 2025
(715) 688-9463