Whether you’re looking to improve your education partnerships, create an entry-level talent pipeline, improve the skills of your existing workforce, or improve your processes – your local technical college is your partner in workforce solutions.
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of employers say a technical college was important to the overall success of their business

of employers were satisfied or very satisfied with technical college graduates’ education
Types of Employer Services
Wisconsin technical colleges offer education and training in many career areas. Responding directly to employers' needs, our colleges can upskill your workforce through direct training options and provide skilled employees no matter your industry.
Edvest At Work
Did you know that with Edvest At Work, your employees may save thousands of dollars with tax-deferred growth toward college savings? Even better—offering this benefit costs nothing for you, the employer, to provide. And students can use the funds for apprentice-related education too.
Workforce Solutions Contacts
Select a college below to connect directly with the workforce solutions experts at the colleges, or contact info@wtcsystem.edu with general inquiries.

Employer Satisfaction
High-quality employer partnerships, in every economic sector and region of the state, are unique to the our colleges' programs and services.
The result of this employer engagement in the development of technical college programs is consistent value for employers and a proven, sustained track record of delivering positive graduate outcomes.
This report summarizes the most recent employer survey results, an effort to gauge satisfaction with WTCS programs and graduates’ skills. This survey is conducted every four years.
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