Reducing barriers
Since 2017, Wisconsin’s technical colleges have provided education services to 25 of 27 state Correctional Institutions, annually awarding more than 30,000 credits to over 6,000 individuals. In addition, the colleges work with 38 of the state’s county jails, serving an average of 1,500 individuals with opportunities to improve reading, math, and English Language skills, complete a high school credential, or pursue career training and postsecondary credentials.

Correctional Institutions

County Jails
Invest in the Future
Annually, the WTCS Board and the System’s 16 colleges invest more than $1.0 million of federal, state and local funds to bring instruction, curriculum, technology, materials, employment partnerships and support services to individuals involved with the justice system, including those who are incarcerated or formerly incarcerated.
The goal is to reduce barriers for successful re-entry, increase employability skills and opportunities, and reduce recidivism.
Affordable Education Resources
Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching materials, such as textbooks, for which copyright restrictions are minimized with an open-copyright license.
Credit for Prior Learning
Wisconsin's technical colleges offer individualized technical studies programs to meet you where you are in your education journey, and help you best succeed in today's workplace.
Transfer Opportunities
You may be able to transfer any credits you have already earned from another institution. And, if you're interested in further education beyond our colleges, many 4-year public and private institutions accept credits from Wisconsin technical colleges, putting you ahead of the game in an affordable manner.