The main mission of the technical colleges is to help everyone who wants to work, get whatever skills they need to be able to do so. If you are a non-native English speaker, our colleges can help you learn to read and write in English through English Language Learner (ELL), so you can make the most of all opportunities that come along, in your career and your life.
In addition to learning to speak and write English, students who want to become U.S. citizens can do so within the ELL program.

The English Language Learner (ELL) program assists individuals whose primary language is not English and who wish to learn to read and write in English. The course(s) provide skills leading to high school completion, entry into career-related education or job placement. The program will also help all students interested in becoming a U.S. citizen prepare to do so. ELL programs include one-on-one instruction, independent study (often with computer-aided instruction), group instruction, and work with bilingual tutors.
ELL programs are also available through local literacy councils and Community Based Organizations. Contact Wisconsin Literacy, Inc. for more information.
Spanish Translation
El programa de aprendisaje de inglês esta diseñado para individuos quienes no tienen el dominio del idioma y necesitan aprender a leer, escribir y comuinicarse en ingles. El program de aprendisaje de ingles esta diseñado tambien para proveer los conocimientos que conducen a terminar los estudios secundarios, obtener un trabajo, o entrar a cursar una carrera u oficio. Adicionalmente, el program de aprendisaje de ingles se ofrece para todos los individuos quienes estan en el proceso de obtener la ciudadania americana. El programa de aprendisaje incluye clases individuales, estudios independientes, clases en grupos y asistencia de tutores bilingues.
Los programas de aprendisaje de inglés tambien se ofrecen atraves de organizaciones comunales. Para mas informacion pongase en contacto con Wisconsin Literacy, Inc.
Hmong Translation
Cov hoob kawm ntawv As-Kiv English Language Learners (ELL) no yog tsim los pab cov tibneeg es yeej itxwm tsis yog yug nyob rau hauv tsev tibneeg es paub paub hais lus As-Kiv kom nej txhua tus no muaj feem paub twm ntawv, sau ntawv, thiab hais lus As-Kiv. Cov hoob kawm ntawv As-Kiv no kuj pab tau nej kawm kom tiav high school, npaj nej mus kawm ntawv rau qib siab, thiab pab tau nej nrhiav tej txoj haujlwm kom phim phim nej. Ib lub homphiaj loj yog xav qhia kom ib hnub twg nej cov tub ntxhais kawm ntawv As-Kiv no muaj feem dhau los mus ua ib tug pejxeem Mekas. Hos hais txog ntawm kev qhia ntawv As-Kiv, peb kuj muaj qhia ib-tauj-ib, nej kawm ntawm nej tug kheej (kuj muaj computer pab), kawm nrog tej pab tibneeg, thiab kuj muaj cov tub ntxhais (tutors) es paub nej cov lus nyob ntawv pab nej kiag.
ELL Programs kuj muaj kev pabcuam los ntawm local literacry councils thiab Community Based Organizations. Yog nej xav paub ntxiv thov hu rau Wisconsin Literarcy, Inc.